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Touch is a basic human instinct each of us is born with. Reaching out and touching another person is a universal action that offers love and caring.


find out about baby massage where you live!

Infant massage provides hands-on nurturing

Parents can take classes to learn proper technique.

Special to the Register
My baby's fussy. Poor thing, she cries all the time. The doctor says it's colic.

My wife gets to hold her all the time. What can I do to bond with my child?

Is there some way for us to help teething pain without over the counter chemicals?

If this sounds like concerns you've had or heard from someone close to you, rest assured you're not alone.

There is a natural, wonderful way to see babies through all of those beginning "snags" and even help them start learning!

Infant massage.

It provides the groundwork for a lifetime of nurturing through touch. Among the possible benefits: Parents can help their infant to sleep better; increase their muscle tone and skills; improve digestion (thereby relieving colic, diarrhea and constipation); relieve teething pain; and bond better with their child.

There are classes dedicated to teaching new parents the importance of proper infant massage technique. What should a new parent look for?

Mikki Anderson, vice president/ director of holistic services at StressBusters Body Therapy Center in Laguna Hills and a licensed specialist in the field of both pregnancy and infant massage, provides some answers.

Q:   What kind of credentials should the teacher/instructor have? How old should the baby?

A:  The instructor should be a licensed professional with over 1,000 hours of training and extra specialized training in the area specifically designed in infant massage.

Make sure the teacher has been accredited by the International Association of Infant Massage Trainers. This means they have been through an extensive five-day/40-hour class learning about the various ways to use an educated and loving touch to help your baby in both emotional and physiological ways.

As far as when to start – while you can and should start cuddling and bonding with your infant from the moment of birth – waiting until after the first week (to begin infant massage class) is best.

Q:   Is infant massage good for all babies?

A:  High-needs babies are a bit trickier to include in this process because of the overstimulation factor. But we will teach the parents how to do a "touch" rather than "rubbing" method, so the same bonding and nurturing occurs.

Q:   Is this a good way to get dads involved in the bonding experience?

A:  This is an excellent way to get the daddies involved. Women who breast feed get to have this closeness by the very nature of the act. Dads don't have this amount of time (even if they feed a bottle).

So by them using the massage they not only help their baby, they get to have a good period of time to enjoy a similar closeness.

Q:   How long can parents continue the massages?

A:  Most babies are easy to massage until about 6 months of age, then they start getting quite wiggly. But that doesn't mean the experience has to stop. It just means that you have to look for ways to distract your baby and do it in shorter bursts.

As an example, a baby or toddler who's sitting can be handed a favorite toy and while they're looking at it or playing with it, you can massage a foot or shoulder. A couple of minutes and then you move on.

Q:   How does it help our baby and us develop?

A:  The baby gets the much needed nurturing and bonding, as do the parents. But it helps the parents to become more confident in their parenting skills by teaching them to pick up on the physical cues about what their child is in need of.

Contact the writer: health@ocregister.com

source site: click here


Holding Hands with another person is a very healing action.
Likely, it was your mother or father who first held your hand when you began taking baby steps. Having a parent hold your hand while you were out in the world made you feel safe, protected from any harm.
Later, hand-holding was likely done in friendship with your schoolmates or siblings. Hand-holding during the dating scene was a whole new experience that made your heart skip a beat or two. Holding hands is definitely a heart-connected activity!


The Eight Principles : Use Nurturing Touch

from the website: Peaceful Parenting for a Peaceful World

Babies are born with urgent and intense needs and depend completely on others to meet them. Nurturing touch helps meet a baby's need for physical contact, affection, security, stimulation and movement. Parents who choose a nurturing approach to physical interactions with their children promote development of healthy attachments. Even as children get older their need to stay connected through touch remains strong.

Needs and the Benefits of Nurturing Touch

  • For the child, nurturing touch stimulates growth-promoting hormones, improves intellectual and motor development, and helps regulate babies' temperature, heart rate, and sleep/wake patterns.

  • Babies who receive nurturing touch gain weight faster, nurse better, cry less, are calmer, and have better intellectual and motor development

  • Cultures high in physical affection, touch, holding or carrying, rate low in adult physical violence

How to Provide Nurturing Touch

  • Skin-to-skin contact is especially effective

  • Breastfeeding and joint baths offer opportunities to snuggle skin-to-skin

  • Massage can soothe babies with colic, help a child unwind before bedtime, and provides opportunity for playful interactions

  • Carrying, or babywearing using a soft carrier, meets a baby's need for physical contact, comfort, security, stimulation and movement, all of which encourage neurological development

  • Be conscious to avoid the overuse of devices designed to hold a baby independently, such as swings, jumpers, plastic carriers, and strollers

Nurturing Touch and the Older Child

  • Frequent hugs, snuggling, back rubs and massage all meet the older child’s need for touch, as do more physical play such as wrestling and tickling

  • Wrestling and tickling should follow the lead of the child and should not be forced

  • Use playfulness and games to encourage physical closeness

  • If you find your child is too heavy to hold comfortably, provide the closeness that carrying provides by providing attention or comfort in your lap

  • All humans (including adults) thrive on touch and the reconnection it provides

source site: click here

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